Monday, February 24, 2014

Love Knows Your Name

I love nicknames.
In college I lived with a roomie whose name was also Jenna.
So our friends gave us a lot of nicknames to set us apart.
I became a variety of names: J, JLu, Jen, Beautiful, Her Majesty …
(Okay, maybe not all of those were my nicknames. I'll let you guess which ones were not:)

But I also love nicknames because, in my opinion, they show affection.
They tend to show that the relationship is more than just professional.
When I use a nickname, that means I really know her or him.
And usually love her or him.

My dad still calls me "Jenna Wenna." It's a special nickname he calls me.
And for whatever reason it makes me feel loved.

Maybe that's because when people say our names, whether it be "nicked" or not, that means we are, to some extent known by them.
And we all want to feel known, right?
Why do think our culture is so obsessed with fame, social media, even blogs:)?
To be known.
And we don't just want to be known in a shallow way.
But in a relational way, in a loving way.
Because when we are known in a deep and loving way, it changes us.

It changed my girl Mary.
Ever met Mary? A lot of people call her Mary Magdalene.
But properly, she is Mary from Magdala.
Magdala is a village on the Sea of Galilee, a village Jesus would have visited, a village where He probably met Mary.

First thing we read about her?
Well, Luke 8 tells us that Jesus had cured her of seven demons.
In typical boy fashion, Luke keeps it short. Seven words to describe seven demons.
"from. whom. seven. demons. had. gone. out." 
Real cool Luke. 
Give us girls some details! 

But all we know is that before, Mary was living in darkness and despair. 
And now she is different.
Now she is following Jesus, even helping Jesus. 
Something about Jesus compelled her to follow Him, even minister TO Him. 

So what in heaven's name happened? 
Well, I believe love happened. 
What happened to transform Mary? 

It was a love that not only had the power to cure her but the power to transform her. 
And even more than that, it was a love that was personal, relational.
A love that made her feel known
A love that knew her name.
How do we know this? By looking at the end of her story.

Mary sees Jesus die a brutal death on a cross. 
After he was buried, she went to visit His grave.
But when she arrived at the grave, something was very wrong. 
The tomb where Jesus was buried was empty. 
So she began to cry, thinking someone had stolen His body.
As she cried, she heard a voice. 

Jesus said to her, Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?”Supposing Him to be the gardener, she said to Him, “Sir, if you have carried Him away, tell me where you have laid Him, and I will take Him away.” Jesus said to her,“Mary!” She turned and said to Him in Hebrew, “Rabboni!” (which means, Teacher).

When did she finally recognize the voice of Jesus?
Did you catch it? If not, look again.
She recognized Him when she heard her name

What does that say about Jesus? What does that say about the relationship she had with Him? 

You know, looking back …
In high school when I did anything so that the "cool girls" would know my name,
Or when I would load on the makeup so that the cute guy would know my name…

Or looking at today …
When someone I admire actually knows my name,
And as silly as this sounds, when a someone tweets or Facebooks my name…

It all roots back to this deeper desire I have to be known.

So when I think about the truth that Jesus knows my name...
I mean, the Creator of Pluto knows my name!
The moulder of the mountains to know my name!
The essence of love knows my name!
It changes me, just like it changed Mary. It takes me from darkness to light. From empty to filled. 

You have a God who knows your name.
Love knows your name.
"He calls His own sheep by name …" 

And if this truth hasn't changed you, then maybe, starting today, you can get to know Him in return.

P.S. If you don't know what all this "knowing Jesus" stuff is all about, but you are interested … contact me here


  1. I don't meet a lot of other Jennas so this was fun to read. :)
    Also - one of my favorite things about interviewing your dad is that he always uses my name (or whoever he is talking to) naturally in the conversation. He really talks to you directly, not just spouting off a script. Love that.

  2. Thank you for this, Jenna ! This really encouraged my heart today as I read this. He knows me by name. The author of love ! There is something so special about that.
