Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Why I Shouldn't Write a Blog

I’ve never wanted to have a blog.
Well, I’ll tell ya.

Here are just some of the reasons:

1. There are millions of blogs already out there. No need for another.

2. My life seems too ordinary to write about and my mind too simple to inspire.

3. I could have eternal writer’s block after this first post.

4. I could get hate mail.

5. I already have a big mouth, so will a blog just make it bigger?

6. The blogs I love have these cool, “artsy” photos of their life. These people can turn a McDonald’s burger into a frame-worthy picture! Me? Not really the “artsy” kind, and the burger is in my belly before the thought of a photo.

7. She’s a better writer than I am.

8. I could get hate mail.

9. No one will read it or like it (except for my mom).

10. I’m going to make theological, grammatical and intellectual mistakes. A lot of them.

11. The joy of writing could turn into a chore or pressure I put on myself.

12. And did I mention I could hate mail? J

Okay. There ya have it. Why I shouldn’t write this blog.
Wait a minute …
As I look over my reasons for not having a blog I’m realizing that I don’t have a reason at all.

That list of 12.
Those aren’t 12 reasons.
Those are 12 fears.

I fear others’ thoughts and judgments of me.
I fear inability and not measuring up to her or him.

And even deeper than those fears, there lies a pride.
Fearing the way I am perceived, fearing MY inability or MY ability compared to others, is wrapped up in ME.

So if I don’t have a valid reason to not write this blog, I think I will.
After all, what if God uses this blog to refine me?
What if He uses it to hack away at those ugly fears and chisel away at my stinky pride?

I am asking God to take my list of 12 messy, fear-filled and prideful thoughts and somehow use me in spite. He did it with 12 messy, fear-filled and prideful guys 2,000 years ago. Maybe He’ll do it with me.

I feel dumb admitting I’m scared of this blogging thing.
But I promised myself that this blog would be a place of honesty, a place where I can practice being authentic in a world where I’m so good at pretending.

So this is it – the first post. It’s out there. (Gulp.)

A new year and a new blog.
This should be a fun adventure.
Happy 2014!

(What adventure do you plan on taking in 2014? Please comment! I can’t wait to read them! Wow. I sound desperate. New blogger jitters.)


  1. Its gonna be a year of embracing vulnerbility and displaying imperfections contently. 2014 is gonna be worth it.

  2. it always starts with the first post :) you'll have a great blog!

  3. Yay! I'm already inspired. Can't wait to read more. So proud of you!!

  4. Think about it this way you already wrote a book a blog is nothing compared to that! I believe in you! I can't wait to see what you write

  5. Oh this made my day seeing this. CAN'T WAIT for more posts!!!! You're amazing Jenna - I am just one of many who will be challenged, encouraged, and inspired by your words. Love everything about this.

  6. Yay! Excited for you and the fun you'll have writing a blog. It definitely refines, but that becomes the greatest gift of all.

    Love, SV

    1. absolutely! refining is hard but always worth it. thanks so much for those words!

  7. FINALLY she blogs! :) Love you, J - keep 'em coming. I already know this is going to be great.

  8. Awesome first post! I think you'll have fun blogging. It is funny, its a true list of not to's... but you worked it all into a great reason to blog, and a reason to place it all in God's hands. I will definitely be following. Keep it up!

  9. so excited about this Jenna! loved the first post ;) just continue to be you, lovely, and He will do the rest. Beautiful start !

  10. Jenna i'm sure that your life isn't too ordinary to write about, there is almost no source for news about you, All i know about you is because of yours books, and you are one of my inspirations, one of the women who i want to look like!
    SOOO, 2014 is the year of my college graduation, the preparation to spend some time out of the country and improve my language, and make new friends and blablabla, i really can't wait for this, annd is the year that i'll invest in what i like to do and finally know if i can support myself.
    So many kisses to you!

    1. what a 2014 adventure! blessings on the journey!

  11. Way to go sweetie! You have a lot in your heart, therefore you have many blogs just waiting to be written! Love you and I loved the 1st!

  12. A great fan of your fathers books. Would love to read ur blog too. Wish your dad could minister at our church in India

  13. You asked what adventure I'm taking in 2014? I'm graduating from college AND getting married. In less than a year. IT'S NUTS and I love reading your stuff, Jenna. Can you believe how many years it has been since we met? DANG. I miss your presence in my life.

  14. Great first post! I can totally relate to the fear thing. I decided my power verse for 2014 will be 2 Timothy 1:7, "For God did not give [me] a Spirit of fear but of power and love and self-control." Fear has been a heavy load for me, as I've carried it over my shoulders most of my adult life... Fear of what others think, fear of failure, fear of flying... oh the dreaded list of fears. But this past year, through some pretty difficult times, God has opened my eyes and spoken to my heart in such a beautiful way. His love & truth have completely changed my perspective on fear. What I've realized is when fear is standing at the door, screaming at me, desperate for me to cower down, & I step out through faith anyway, that faith slams the door in the enemy's face and allows God to do amazing things in me & through me. I'm excited to see what God has in store for this year as I step outside the walls of fear... & I'm excited to read more on your blog! By the way, I recently started going to Oakhills... Crownridge Campus. I've been helping some with the production team. My husband & I, & our 2 boys, moved here a few months ago from Florida. We love Oakhills! Maybe I'll get to meet you in person one day =)

  15. YAY!!! Your blog is up, up, and awwaaay : ) I love the tone of your writing - it perfectly captures your authentic personality, sincerity, and humor! Look forward to hearing more sweet friend!

    1. Liz! I loved seeing your name at the bottom of the screen. You are an encouragement every time I see you. Really. Thanks!

  16. Welcome to the blogging world, Jenna! I look forward to reading more of your writing. And I promise I won't send you any hate mail. ;-)
